Transform your beauty store with a cloud-based system.
Revamp your beauty store with a cloud-based system like those used in larger industries.
Bundle and pack item management
- Efficiently manage and pack items with our system to save time and reduce errors.
- Easily split bulk product orders like dozens into individual items in the system.
- Our system recognizes identical products with different barcodes as the same item.
- Supports up to 18 multi-barcodes for a single product.
- All properties and rules will be applied consistently.
- View the age of your products in stock and track their sales.
Unlimited SKUs
- Vela POS handles large quantity of SKUs with fast transaction.
- Barcode, Item number, PLU for each item.
- Purchase orders directly from the POS system.
- Manage purchase orders across all locations and sales channels lively with headquarters solution.
- Stay alert with the transit process to prepare for arrivals.
Check out
- Offer discounts and promotions to enhance the shopping experience.
- The automatic discount rule is applied when promoted products are scanned.
- Generate and accept promo QR codes through the scanner.
- Custom gift cards.
- Keep track of your customers’ spending trends or habits with loyalty support.
- Omnichannel POS system to keep your customers in close contact.
Dual pricing
- Displays both cash and credit card prices for every item.
- Instant cost difference between payment methods.
- Clear visibility of potential savings with cash payments.
Bundle and pack item management
- Efficiently manage and pack items with our system to save time and reduce errors.
- Easily split bulk product orders like dozens into individual items in the system.
- Our system recognizes identical products with different barcodes as the same item.
- Supports up to 18 multi-barcodes for a single product.
- All properties and rules will be applied consistently.
- View the age of your products in stock and track their sales.
Unlimited SKUs
- Vela POS handles large quantity of SKUs with fast transaction.
- Barcode, Item number, PLU for each item.
- Purchase orders directly from the POS system.
- Manage purchase orders across all locations and sales channels lively with headquarters solution.
- Stay alert with the transit process to prepare for arrivals.
Check out
- Offer discounts and promotions to enhance the shopping experience.
- The automatic discount rule is applied when promoted products are scanned.
- Generate and accept promo QR codes through the scanner.
- Custom gift cards.
- Keep track of your customers’ spending trends or habits with loyalty support.
- Omnichannel POS system to keep your customers in close contact.
Dual pricing
- Displays both cash and credit card prices for every item.
- Instant cost difference between payment methods.
- Clear visibility of potential savings with cash payments.